DaMove的開始 我們要銷售的不僅是「品牌」,更是一個「夢想」。於是在2011年開始灑下「夢想」的種子,期能藉由品牌的創作,分想更多想法以及力量,不斷地鼓勵人要勇敢築夢、追夢,只要堅持下去,勇往直前,這夢想的種子慢慢發芽、茁壯,在未來必能開出美麗的花朵。 The Beginning of DaMove [DaMove] is not only a "brand", but also a "dream". We believe in sharing ideas and strength by the creation of the brand,we encourage people to be brave and to build their own dreams. In 2011,we started to spread the seeds of the "Dream" to let it germinate slowly and thrive, will carve beautiful flowers into the future. |
DaMove的精神 Never too late! 人因夢想而偉大!夢想是我們對人生的一種期望,唯有擁有夢想,才能確定人生方向,前進的力量才愈大,也才知道力量要放在哪兒! DaMove的造就,就是因為堅持!而在現實生活中,能夠真的擁有「夢想」、朝著「夢想」努力前進的卻是寥寥無幾,不是 被負面想法打擊,就是被父母、師長、甚至同儕勸阻,於是夢想放棄了,可能性及成就空間也愈來愈小了。 DaMove也曾經歷過這些過程,所以,品牌設計的每個概念都從「勇敢實踐」出發,不論你是哪個職業位階、想做什麼?現在幾歲……只要記得“NEVER TOO LATE!”勇於開始、不論何時只要放手去做,皆有任何可能的。 The Spirit of DaMove Is it's never too late! We can achieve greatness with dreams!! In order to determine the direction in life, we need to have dreams. It guides us towards the greater path, gives us the strength to move forward, and also to directs us to know where the forces should be placed towards. The dream is an expectation of our life. Persistence is the effort in [DaMove] spirit!In reality, tones of negative thoughts, parents, teachers and even peer go against, discourage, and drain our dreams, so at time we doubt the possibility of achievements. DaMove has gone through it…so the concept of the brand design starts from this, “Be brave and achieve!!" No matter what you want to do, what job position you hold, or how old you are…. Just remember "It's NEVER Too Late!" The possibility is there if you have courage to start. |
DaMove的設計 能朝著夢想前進,是幸福的! DaMove作品的每一款設計,除兼具時尚感外,更朝結合我們生活的這個城市、人文、環境為設計概念,初期以街頭文化如舞蹈、滑板、音樂……等所謂的次文化為出發,透過我們接觸到的每一個人分享曾被感動的或被鼓舞的或對你有啟發的,也許只是一句話,或是一個圖象作為設計重點,沒有設限的創作,讓更多的人可以藉由商品設計分享到正面的、積極的想法或理念,藉以重新審慎地思考自己的生活如何藉由夢想的實踐讓它發光發亮更精彩;同時,也讓你知道在築夢的這條路上,你並不孤單,也許你正把別人的夢想穿在身上;因為,這裡的每一款設計不強調知名設計師,它也許出自某一個正懷有設計夢想的人的設計,只要有夢,就有機會能有一片天。 The design of DaMove Achieving your dream = Happiness! Apart from the fashion sense, the combination of the city we live in, humanity, the design concept of the environment from street cultures, such as dance, skateboarding, music etc... starting from the subculture, everyone who has been touched or been inspired, or maybe just a word or an image, boundless creativity, in order to let you know the positive and the aggressive thoughts and ideas we want you to know you are not alone while heading towards your path. we emphasis the design differ from the well-known designers and stand unique, it may come from any designer who also cherishes having dreams, as long as you have a dream.All of them are the spirit of every piece of DaMove's design. |
DaMove的展望 DaMove就是夢想實現的開始~ 期望它更充滿無限的可能性,除了希望打造出不同時尚潮流、擁有自我風格之外,未來也能為朝夢想努力前進的人提供一個發揮平台。 同時,也期許在不久的將來,能夠結合相關機構,投身慈善,貢獻微薄力量,幫助每一個有夢想的人一起來圓夢!
DaMove的存在,會一直鼓勵著你我,朝夢想堅持下去,不論你的夢想是開始、還是中途離開了夢想的跑道或是正在努力追夢的人,只要有夢想,勇敢去追,人生一定可以更美好、更過癮!因為,Its never too late! The perspective of DaMove "DaMove" is the the first action in making dreams come true~ Expect infinite possibilities, new concepts, outside the box thinking. In order to create a different kind of fashion or your own style, we set the platform and look to helping those achieve their future dreams. By helping ourselves we are helping everyone who needs inspiration to achieve their own dreams thru connecting society and charity. DaMove is here to always encourage all including you and me, towards our dreams, now is time to plan new dreams. Whether you are still trying or just starting, as long as we are brave enough to keep chasing and perusing that dream, life will have more meaning and will be so much more fun! Because, Its never too late! |